Friday 10 January 2014


So far I'm absolutely loving doing this blog! Don't get me wrong, I've had a fair few moments where I've wanted to punch my computer screen and/or throw it out the window (did you know about pixel widths? And widgets? And how something might look ok on one screen, and completely misaligned on another?!?!) 

But it's making me actively think back on each day, and kind of appreciate each day more, which is a nice way to start 2014. It also means I have somewhere to put all of my photos like a little picture diary, (without bombarding Facebook with hundreds of pictures of food quite so much!) that I'm going to be able to look back on, and remember.

Since getting my new camera, too, I've really rediscovered my love of photography. For some reason I stopped. And I'm so glad I've started again! 

So I thought I'd share some of my favourite pictures in this post. Half of them possibly won't mean much to anyone, but they are all very dear to my heart for various reasons, and I hope that some of them might bring a little inspiration, in some way, shape or form - or just a little smile :o)

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